Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shits and shits

The sketchbook is full of unfinished doodles at the moment (now by 'full', I mean two pages), so time for some rambling.

Well here's something I did for the 2011 Semi-permanent book, and I'm 75% sure it got in (I got an email back = official?). I really regret submitting it though. Out of my own stubbornness I was determine to create something new for this project. But falling back on old habits, I left it to the day before the deadline to start working on my submission. Yep, what you see below is the product of a >24 hour scramble. Cool bro. Although, I'm not entirely ashamed of the piece, I mean the concept is kinda really dumb but that's what I going for I guess... Its just really rough/rushed and needed more time polishing those edges... next time though, fo shoo.

Also here are some photos I dug up from my phone of the amazing encounter I had last year with Mr. Turtle. It just ordinary week day, walking through the park to the Maddington traino,  when I saw him just sitting there, I thought he may have been hurt or maybe even dead. After having a minor breakdown on whether poking him would be a legitimate way of checking if he was ok, I realised that despite the wellbeing of the turtle, that this was definitely an occasion to be taking photos. How many times can you say you ran into a turtle on the way to school (without that anecdote involving a car)? Just once for me. And that was enough to want to lock this guy's mug in amongst the dodgey drunk photography of my phone's photo library.
But it seems as I was snapping away with my camera phone, the flash must have pissed him off and ran as fast as turtle could, which is surprising faster than one would imagine ( I've witnessed it with my own eyes now, I know the speed in which turtles travel.)  He was ok. The RSPCA could rest at ease. Crisis averted.

~Le Photographe~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oh that's handy!

So hands are pretty amazing things. You can type with them, draw with them, stimulate things with. But what you can also even do, is draw pictures of them; which is what I did. And in preparation for drawing these arm spiders, I did a huge collection of hand picz. They're now home to the ingeniously entitled folder, "hands".

I need to get better at drawing hands, so more arm spiders to come.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So I'm gonna post drawings and stuff up here now. Just trying keep the routine of things, so my mad skillz don't stale. And what you see below are all observational studies,  nothing too fancy. Also lately, I've had scan everything I draw as soon as its done because I don't have any fixative at the moment, which means when I close up the ol' sketch book, the drawing go kaput. Smudge-tacular. 

Maybe I'll get around to doing some original works in the near future, but as of now I just want get in the habit of frequent posts so I don't slack off!

G out.